The JFK assassination was riddled with numerous bizarre coincidences — some of which include the mob. I have a few of my own.
In 1963—in one of her life’s many “what-could-possibly-go-wrong” impulsive decisions — my (relatively young, recently divorced) mother eloped (again) and married a Las Vegas security guard. Naturally, she barely knew him. This resulted in my young sister and me being transplanted from Minnesota to an apartment building a block off of The Vegas Strip — next to the Riviera Casino and below the unfinished (Space Needle-like) Landmark Casino tower. And the move also resulted in the start of a wild roller coaster ride, described in my memoir, Searching For Alpha Centauri In A ’64 Chevy. But, back to the JFK assassination coincidences…
Next-door to us lived a mobster. How shocking in 1963 Las Vegas, right?
Two months before Dallas, JFK coincidentally visited Las Vegas. The photo above shows him in his open limousine with the Landmark Inn tower and our apartment building in the background.
60 years ago today, on November 22, coincidentally my mother’s birthday, JFK was assassinated in this same open limousine in Dallas. Two days later, JFK’s alleged-assassin was assassinated. And three hours after that, the FBI was knocking on the door of our Las Vegas neighbor, Lewis J. McWillie. Apparently, he was a longtime acquiescence of JFK alleged-assassin’s assassin, Jack Ruby.
AND, McWillie’s name and Las Vegas address (our apartment building address) was on a piece of paper found in Jack Ruby’s car (after Ruby killed Lee Harvey Oswald in the Dallas police station).
This is in the Warren Report.
Unrelated in any of this, earlier in 1963, Jack Ruby actually sent a pistol to our apartment building address (but McWillie never accepted it). This is in the Warren Report too.
In the 1950s, my mother and father lived in Cuba. Coincidentally, so did Lewis J. McWillie. And guess who, coincidentally, visited McWillie in Cuba? Of course, JFK’s alleged-assassin’s assassin, Jack Ruby.
I am not suggesting that my mother or father or even our Las Vegas neighbor, McWillie, had anything to do with JFK’s assassination. But these are kind of freaky coincidences, no?